Gallery 3 - Plaques

These are a few of the various plaques I have created.  Sometimes, a special or momentous occasion will spark some creativity, and out comes the 'burner!

Name Plaque:  My sister requested a plaque that said "The Isoms - est. 1987."  Her wish is my command...

Beach Bodz:  I love the logo for my brother and sister-in-law's business, so created this plaque for them.

Appreciation Plaque:  I had a fantastic team on a project I worked on a few years back.  To celebrate the completion of the effort and recognize the contributions of the team, I created a plaque for each of them.

NOC Plaque:  We opened a new Network Operations Center at one of the companies I worked at.  I created this plaque to commemorate the occasion and presented it to the manager and his team.