Saturday, August 7, 2010

When Life Gives You Lemons...

You know the saying.  When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!  As for me, I LOVE fresh-squeezed lemonade, and there's no time like the middle of summer to enjoy it. 

Life has tossed a few lemons my way lately, and I have been cranking out pitchers of lemonade.  I was laid off from my job several weeks ago.  Although the job provided some amazing experiences and growth, I had felt as though I needed to move on for some time.  It seems as though God often does for me that which I cannot or will not do for myself.  Thus, I am looking forward to a new opportunity that will give me a chance to further grow - both professionally and personally.

In the meantime, I have been making lemonade!  I was able to take the time to drive up to my native Vermont and spend a week with family and friends.  I had an aunt reach a milestone birthday, and all of my maternal aunts and uncles and many of my cousins, some of whom I have not seen for a couple of decades, arrived for a party.  I spent an evening tearing up the dance floor ...something I find great for both the body and between catching up with relatives.  I was able to spend some quality time with a few cousins, learning that we have a lot more in common than I had ever imagined.

I went four-wheeling with my sister Jessie and niece Courtney, an activity that I very much enjoy.  They took me on some trails up near their place, complete with lots of mud puddles.  What a blast!

It just so happens that while I was in VT, a very near and dear friend of mine who resides in Arizona was also visiting the Green Mountain State.  I was able to spend a wonderful evening in Middlebury with her.  A coincidence?  Or, an incident in which God just chooses to remain anonymous? Sometimes, those friends who double as spiritual teachers appear when we most need them - whether we are aware of the need or not.  I am so grateful for these "earth angels," as my Mom calls them.

I also had the opportunity for a little creativity.  My sister Samantha is an amazing crafter, and often tries to pull me into projects when I am in VT.  While I did help her with one project, I recommended that we have a craft night where we each followed our own passions.  I brought my burner over while she pulled out her card-making materials.  I didn't accomplish much as I had several nieces and nephews looking over my shoulder.  I have made a promise to a couple of them to bring some materials and give them some lessons on my next trip up.

I'm safely back in VA and preparing to make more lemonade!  I'll be putting on a full-court press on the job-search front, and taking advantage of some of the additional time that "working from home" affords me.  Several nieces, nephews, aunts and cousins have put in some pyrography requests - enough to keep me busy for a couple of years! 

Stayed tuned...and don't forget to enjoy a tall glass of lemonade every now and then!

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