Sunday, November 7, 2010


I am a great planner…but I am not the greatest beginner. And, I am an even worse follower-through.

Let me see if I can explain. I am always coming up with ideas, but I don’t seem to actually start and finish things. For several years, I have made plans to start a business around my woodburning…to write a book…to pay off my debts. For even longer, I have planned to learn how to do stained glass, speak Spanish and take some photography classes. I could go on and on.  

Sometimes, I do get started on something I have planned. I don’t exactly have the greatest track record for following through on completing those things that have actually progressed from the planning to the beginning stage, however.  For example, I started a Doctoral program, completed half of the classes, and then dropped out. I was “planning” on going back to school after six months. That was two years ago.  And, this is not a new track record.  I even dropped out of kindergarten!

Tonight, I was listening to some friends sharing about self-reflection, prayer and meditation. When practiced separately, they are beneficial. When consciously practiced from an integrated approach, they are powerful. Self-reflection has made me aware that I am not the greatest beginner and that am not I consistent in follow-through. However, when I spend time in prayer and meditation, I am more assured that the exceptions – the times that I do follow-though and complete things – are more likely to be those that God has me doing for His purpose.

I plan to focus on this topic in my prayer and meditation over the next few weeks. When I have ideas and plans consistently reappear in my thoughts, is that God’s way of telling me to pay attention? To get started and do something about them?  I don’t know. However, I will be praying daily for the strength to get started – and follow-through – on what God would have me do in each day.

Recently, some friends of mine followed through on plans for a new beginning. They were married in a beautiful ceremony on the beach at Sea Island, GA. To commemorate the event, I decided to burn a plate for them. I finished burning today, but am contemplating adding some color before giving it to the newlyweds.

Commemorative Plate for the Newlyweds

I created the design using the wedding invitation, a picture I took of the pagoda on the beach, and a cute clipart picture of a “bride and groom.”  I'm wishing Noelle and Ben the greatest of new beginnings!

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful! Is it a wooden plate?
    I think that the "great beginner, not so much on the following through" has a lot to do with the fact that there are only so many things each of us can do in given moment, a given hour, a given day...a given week...a given life. There are sooooo many "good" things to do, but we can't do them all. We must choose to invest our time in what's "best" which for you definitely seems to include the awesome burnings. Love ya!
