Saturday, September 25, 2010

Colors of the Rainbow

A number of weeks ago, Maya taught me a new song…singing it repeatedly on the hour-long ride to Auntie Val’s.  I frequently find the little ditty running through my head…

“Maya…knows the colors of the…rainbow!
Auntie Val… knows the colors of the…rainbow!
There’s red….orange…yel-low…

When I hear little Maya sing about the colors of the rainbow, and we later see one appear over the house…or when I see the color in nature and the people around me...I know the Master’s hand is involved.

A rainbow Maya and I recently saw together
A few nights ago, I was in the midst of a conversation with a friend about spirituality and building a relationship with God.  She was asking me to explain how I “know” there is a God.  We were driving on a back road in Northern Virginia, and one of the most beautiful harvest moons I have ever seen was above us.   I pointed to it and said, “Look at that!  How can there NOT be a God?!”  

I believe that everyone’s relationship with God is personal.  It’s not something that can necessarily be explained in words, nor can I “prove” the existence of God in my life.  He just is; it is not something I “believe”…it is some I know.  Sometimes I feel that existence more strongly than at other times.  I cannot witness a rainbow…the fall foliage in Vermont…the little red fox who frequently crosses my path on trips to and from the house…the light in the eyes of my little buddies…a smile or kind word from a friend or family member…and not feel the presence of God.

There are some days when I seem to see nothing but gray.  Most days, however, I see the hand of God in the shades of color all around me.  My world is so colorful today!   My prayer is that God may use me as an instrument and allow me to bring some color to those whose paths I cross.  
In the meantime, I have added some color to the heretofore monochrome burnings I have been working on over the past couple of weeks.  In each of the plaques below, I used oil pencils, much as I have done in the past.  I recently read about various blending techniques, however, and used a light wash with a turpentine solution to smooth out the pencil marks.

Carousel for Grace - design by Lora S. Irish

Butterfly & Frog for Kaitlyn - design by Cheryl Dow

Thanks for reading!  May your day be as colorful as a rainbow!


  1. Valerie,
    You are such a beautiful person sister dear and forever will be my 'real life angel'.
    Beautiful work and beautiful words.

  2. You are such a great writer! I could just hear Maya singing "pooo-ple" in that sweet little sing-song voice. Wonderful post, and as always - wonderful burnings (is that what the finished products are called?)
    Love ya,
